

「0歳」の英語の言い方を知りたいですか?大丈夫、私が教えて差し上げますよ!赤ちゃんを表す「0歳」は、英語ではzero years oldと言います。





What is the English phrase for 0歳?

In English, the phrase 0歳 is commonly translated as zero years old or simply newborn. This refers to a baby who has just been born and is in their first year of life. For example, if someone asks how old a baby is and the answer is 0歳, it can be expressed in English as They are newborn or They are zero years old.

How can I use zero years old in a sentence?

Here are a few examples of how you can use the phrase zero years old in a sentence:1. My niece is zero years old and she is already starting to crawl.2. When I was zero years old, my parents took me on my first trip to the beach.3. It’s amazing to think that humans start off as tiny, fragile beings when they are zero years old.

Are there any other ways to express 0歳 in English?

Yes, besides zero years old and newborn, there are a few other phrases that can be used to describe a baby who is in their first year of life. Some alternatives include infant, baby, or simply stating the age as one month old, two months old, and so on.It’s important to note that while zero years old is a literal translation of 0歳, it is not commonly used in everyday conversation. Instead, phrases like newborn or specifying the exact age in months are more commonly used in English.


0歳 can be translated into English as zero years old or newborn. Both phrases refer to a baby who has just been born and is in their first year of life. However, it is more common to use newborn or specify the age in months when describing a baby’s age in English.






例文1: My sister just had a newborn baby. (私の姉が新生児を出産したんだ。

)例文2: The hospital provides special care for newborns. (その病院は新生児に特別なケアを提供しています。




例文1: My baby is only two days old. (うちの赤ちゃんは生後2日なんだ。

)例文2: He’s already one month old. (彼はもう生後1か月なんだ。



例文1: My newborn has just started to smile. (うちの新生児が微笑み始めたばかりなんだ。

)例文2: She’s learning to crawl already. (彼女はもう這い始めているんだ。




「0歳」の英語は、zero years oldと表現されます。

In English, we express 0歳 as zero years old.この表現は、幼児の年齢を示す際に使われますが、英語では通常、歳未満の幼児の年齢を具体的に話すことは少ないです。

This expression is used to indicate the age of an infant, but in English, it is less common to specify the age of an infant below 1 year old.

Instead, the age of an infant is commonly expressed in months.
例えば、He is 6 months old(彼は6ヶ月です)と表現することが一般的です。

For example, it is common to say He is 6 months old.
ただし、特定の文脈や状況によっては、zero years oldという表現も使用されることがあります。

However, depending on the specific context or situation, the expression zero years old may also be used.


This expression is used to emphasize that the age has not yet reached 1 year old.

いずれにしても、幼児の年齢を英語で表現する際には、月単位の表現が一般的ですが、「0歳」は「zero years old」と表現されることもあることを覚えておきましょう。

In any case, when expressing the age of an infant in English, it is common to use the month units, but it is also worth noting that 0歳 can be expressed as zero years old.


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