

SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)とは、持続可能な開発目標を示す国際的な枠組みです。



この国際的な枠組みの英語表記は、「Sustainable Development Goals」です。





What does SDGs stand for?

The acronym SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals. These goals were established by the United Nations as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by the year 2030. The SDGs encompass a broad range of objectives, including eradicating hunger, promoting good health and well-being, ensuring quality education, achieving gender equality, fostering sustainable economic growth, and addressing climate change, among others.

Example sentence using SDGs

One example of how SDGs can be used in a sentence is: Our company is committed to aligning our business practices with the SDGs to contribute to a more sustainable future for all.

Explanation of SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, are a set of 17 goals that were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. These goals are guided by the principle of leaving no one behind and aim to address the pressing challenges facing our world today. From poverty and inequality to climate change and environmental degradation, the SDGs provide a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future. Each goal has specific targets and indicators to track progress, and they are interconnected, recognizing the need for an integrated approach to sustainable development.

Importance of SDGs

The SDGs are of utmost importance as they provide a framework for countries, organizations, and individuals to work together towards a more equitable and sustainable world. By incorporating the principles of the SDGs into policies, strategies, and actions, we can make significant progress in areas such as poverty reduction, access to education, gender equality, climate action, and more. The SDGs also serve as a reminder of our shared responsibility to protect the planet and improve the well-being of all people, now and for future generations.

How can individuals contribute to the SDGs?

Individuals have a crucial role to play in achieving the SDGs. Taking small steps in our everyday lives can make a big difference. Some ways individuals can contribute to the SDGs include:1. Educating oneself about the SDGs and their importance.2. Making sustainable choices, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting ethical brands.3. Volunteering or supporting organizations that are working towards the SDGs.4. Advocating for change by raising awareness, engaging in discussions, and promoting sustainable practices.5. Encouraging local communities, businesses, and governments to prioritize the SDGs and take action.Remember, even small actions can have a ripple effect and contribute to the overall achievement of the SDGs. Let’s all join hands and work towards a better future for everyone.


1. SDGsとは何ですか?

SDGsとは、Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)の略称です。


2. SDGsの英語表現は何ですか?

SDGsの英語表現は、「Sustainable Development Goals」となります。


3. SDGsの具体的な目標をいくつか教えてください


例文1. One of the Sustainable Development Goals is to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development for all.(貧困を撲滅し、持続可能な開発を全ての人々に達成することが、持続可能な開発目標の一つです。

)例文2. Another important goal of the SDGs is to ensure access to quality education for all.(SDGsのもう一つの重要な目標は、全ての人々が質の高い教育にアクセスできるようにすることです。

4. SDGsの重要性は何ですか?



例文3. The importance of SDGs lies in their ability to address global challenges such as poverty reduction, social inequality, and environmental issues. Their achievement is crucial for creating a fairer and more sustainable world.(SDGsの重要性は、貧困削減、社会的不平等、環境問題など、世界的な課題に取り組む能力にあります。


5. SDGsに取り組むことのメリットは何ですか?



例文4. Engaging in SDGs can bring social and economic benefits, such as the creation of sustainable business opportunities and the development of local communities.(SDGsに取り組むことは、持続可能なビジネスの創造や地域の発展など、社会的・経済的な利益をもたらすことが期待されます。



具体的な言葉は「Sustainable Development Goals」となります。









「sdgs」を英語で表現すると、Sustainable Development Goalsとなります。





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